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 The Institute for Advanced Financial Education

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SSL Certificate

Operations & Compliance

Never before has the focus on the ability to settle transactions accurately and efficiently become so paramount. 

It is absolutely true that professionals in the operations segment of the industry who have the knowledge of the latest developments in trade processing and systems processing enjoy higher financial return and better promotions.  

Our courses offer practical information on trade processing, the clearance process,  FX processing, and the technology systems used in, and for, the financial services industry.

At SUI we take pride that our courses are specifically designed to assist the individual that is not presently in the financial sector with the knowledge necessary to enter this highly demanding market, and provide a better understanding of the complex issues that exist today.

Canada's Securities Industry

Compliance for the Securities Industry

Global Securities: Custody

Global Securities: Trading and Settlements

Mutual Fund Regulation and Governance

Overview of Global Securities Services