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 The Institute for Advanced Financial Education

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Smart Mentor Program™

The Smart Mentor Program® Use a mentor to achieve your educational and career goals

It is a proven one year practicum that will prepare, teach and guide you toward the targets you set in a market that not only looks at your performance and attitude but also at your ability to contribute to the bottom line. It will eliminate the negative messages we’ve come to accept as norm in our everyday life and change the way in which we conduct our business and our actions daily.

The Smart Mentor Program is a vital tool in achieving success in areas of career development and personal growth. Techniques include guidance, counselling, tutoring and on-site mentor training. 

Applicants will undergo an intensive interview process conducted by SUI to determine the specific program for their dedicated year of study. Modules may include public speaking and presentation development, image consulting, courses to augment education gaps, and the rare opportunity to partner with an industry leader who will provide you with the knowledge that propelled their career success as well as guidance toward your own goals.

One of the challenges in the field of Mentoring is upholding levels of professionalism, standards and ethics. To this end, our organization has a code of ethics and standards, and criteria to which we hold our SUI Mentors accountable in order to protect clients' interests. Please see the Smarten Up Institute Code of Ethics and Good Practice.

For more information on Smarten Up Institute's Smart Mentor Program and to begin fulfilling your business and personal growth strategies, please contact