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SEC fiduciary push gives momentum to third-party exams

April 15, 2015 | Mark Schoeff Jr., Investment News

With the CSI contract ending, there was a request for comment that generated quite a response. The consensus of the majority of respondents was that competition in the education space for the investment and financial marketplace was seen to be a positive step forward and the right thing to do. Since the initial request for comment, nothing has been said on this subject. While this is generating much needed discussion, more has to be done to advance the movement that has been positively started.

We must continue to promote competition in the marketplace to get more efficient and higher standards in proficiency, and to ultimately have the best educated person serve the investing public. 

On the other hand, the US seems to be leading the way forward in addressing another point that needs to be revamped. They are reviewing the way in which exams are conducted and proctored.  Read this interesting article on how SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White is advancing the changes necessary to assure that firms "...can select the best resource for them and not be chained to a particular model."

Please click here to read the full article in the Investment News.  

As Dylan said, "the times, they are a-changin"..... 


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